Sunday, August 23, 2009

I'm tired. Not frazzled or worried tired, but bone tired. Today my husband and I did some heavy work in the house, moving and cleaning and lifting. The kids were coming home and I wanted to get some things done before they came back. It was hot and humid and I didn't want to pause; I wanted to finish and then shower off.

Now, of course, the house looks chaotic. The living room is strewn with sleeping bags, pillows and suitcases. The kitchen is filled with the detritus of dinner. And the dining room with the stuff that needs to be thrown out as a result of today's sweaty labors.

So no, I didn't learn how to work the WiiFit tonight. My kids were exhausted; they wouldn't have had the patience and forbearance I require when learning new technical skills. Besides, I cleaned so much today! That's like a workout, isn't it? (Although if cleaning made a person lose weight, I'd be thin as a rail.)

No matter. I wasn't up for jumping around in front of the TV screen tonight anyway. Instead, my husband and I left our tired, crabby teenagers at home and saw a movie. And no popcorn!

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