Monday, September 28, 2009

Q. Rabbi, is fasting on Yom Kippur a good weight-loss plan?

A. No. Well, maybe, but only if there is no kugel at the break-fast.

Q. How does Yom Kippur fit in with your exercise plan?

A. Well, there is a lot of standing, and relatively little sitting (at least for me.) Also, a fair amount of swaying, some of it back and forth, but mainly side-to-side. Plus, there were four occasions when I prostrated myself and then (thank you, God!) managed to get back up again. Does singing count as exercise? What about gesticulating while preaching?

Q. How did you feel at the end of the day?

A. I had a touch of bronchitis going in, but made some chicken soup on Sunday morning and was able to swig enough of it down before Kol Nidrei to cure myself.

Q. Really?

A. I do make a great soup. It was definitely that. Plus, the drugs.

Q. Rabbi, how did you actually survive, given that you were so sick?

A. The support of my congregation, the skills of the others on the bimah, the love of my family and... adrenaline! The human body is an amazing creation. A person who's in a stressful enough situation is able to perform incredible feats of strength. Like lifting up a car. Or being a rabbi on Yom Kippur.

Q. Adrenaline sounds great. Any down sides?

A. Um, well, it's almost 2:00am and I'm still up.

Q. Is that a problem? Haven't you been going to bed at about this time for the past couple of weeks?

A. True. But I'm actually exhausted.

Q. So what are your plans for tomorrow? Going back to the WiiFit?

A. Maybe in the afternoon. I have a migraine pencilled in for the morning.


  1. KATE: How does calling it a mini-school have to do with bat-mitzvah lessons tomorrow? :)

  2. Sister: Now, THAT was a funny blog post!

    Rabbi: True. I really AM hilarious.

    Sister: How's the Wii Fit going?

    Rabbi: I don't find that funny at all.
